Coast Innovations

The Itzbeen Baby Care Timer™ - A word from the inventor. 

Hi.  My name is Greg Sheldon. I am the inventor of the Itzbeen Baby Care Timer™.  My wife and I developed the Itzbeen™ ourselves in 2006.  Since day one, the Itzbeen has been a huge success; we are proud to see our little gizmo become a patented, award winning, top-selling baby product just three short years later.  I do not get many opportunities to talk directly to customers; I thought this would be a good venue to share my thoughts behind my creation.

I was blessed with the opportunity to share in the rearing of our newborn son. We did not choose to bottle feed, but this meant I was now taking care of this little person 50% of the time.  Day and night we asked each other, “How long ago did you: change his diaper, feed him, give him his medication, put him down for a nap, etc?”  I realized that these were the most common things we wanted to know so that we could make an informed decision about what our baby might need.  However, we were often so tired, we could not recall when and what we had done ourselves!  The Itzbeen became a simple way to jog our memory and communicate with each other.  All we did was press a single button, the timer would start over… from then on, we always knew how long “it’s been”.  Most importantly though, we felt that the Itzbeen simply helped us learn the basics of taking care of our first baby. 

I wanted to make the Itzbeen as helpful as possible, so I added a few simple features: a small LED provides just enough light to see at night without waking up the baby.  Moms told me they would forget the last side they nursed from, so I added a simple ‘Left/Right’ switch.  Finally, while I did not want the Itzbeen to tell parents what to do, I added an optional alarm feature to each timer that could be used if someone needed a reminder to do a certain task at regular intervals (e.g. give medication every 4 hours, wake and feed every 3 hours, etc.). 

In summary, the Itzbeen turned out to be a simple, inexpensive tool that helps new parents and caregivers learn, remember, and communicate the baby basics.  Your feedback and questions are always welcome... we look forward to hearing from you!

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